воскресенье, 13 ноября 2011
Модно ныне жить в сером мире. Ведь у каждого поступка есть логическое объяснение. Мы все взрослые, видим мир не чёрным и белым, понимаем, что "всё не так просто". А я скажу иначе: в эпоху полит- и прочих корректностей наша великолепная "логика" оправдать может что угодно, зачернить белое и осветлить чёрное, и совесть будет молчать. К чему бы это?
просто примерIf I was to steal a chocolate bar because it was sitting at the counter looking all tasty, it’d be theft. Nobody would say but oh, look at the creamy picture on the packaging. It was taunting him. He had no choice. It was instinct. Impulse. Drives and desires beyond his…
I find myself a bit torn when it comes to this subject, being a rape victim myself, but they say opening up and talking about it is supposed to help so here goes.
Its insulting that the justice system would ask a rape victim whether or not they’re own choices resulted in the violation of their person; it should exist to punish the guilty for their crimes against society, not to determine whether or not a victim ‘had it coming’ based on their dress. If a person has sex with someone against their will, they are guilty of rape. I don’t care how sexy the victim looked or how diligently they teased or how desperate the rapist was.
We are the masters of our own urges and desires now, that is the price of sentience; responsibility for the choices we have or will make.
Adversely, I believe one should be aware of the message their appearance is broadcasting to those around them. I know society should be less judgmental about how people choose to express themselves, but there are just as many people who are sick and malicious as there are people who are kind and gentle. It isn’t safe to leave the house and hope for the best, you cannot rely on other people to act responsibly when it comes to your own safety and wellbeing. In nature, ignorant or naive behavior often leads to death; it’s an aspect of natural selection, and it applies to us as well.
Being raped is probably one of the most violating and horrific things that has ever happened to me. It is unlikely that I will ever fully recover from the damage that it has inflicted on my ability to fully trust and love another human being. I guess that’s why sexually overt behavior or dress freaks me out, I don’t get jealous or judgmental- I get upset. It bothers me to see and hear people who seem totally oblivious or convinced something like sexual abuse won’t happen to them; like it couldn’t possibly.
Would you leave your doors and windows open at night while you’re sleeping? Would you feel lucky if the house next door got robbed instead?
The most precious things we have to lose are the ones we aren’t even aware of until they are stolen from us. Please be mindful and vigilant when it comes to your own choices, it could save you in more ways than you know; or at the very least keep you out of a courtroom full of people trying to prove whether or not you were ‘asking for it’ because of the clothes you were wearing.Здравствуй, мир полутонов, ты так великолепен! И в наших попытках быть "учтивыми" и "наименее травматичными" мы становимся всё более жестокими.
реальная жизнь